Something about FreshTV

FreshTV 这个 M3U8 最大的坑爹之处在于它的 key 是一个私有协议。




翻了下代码发现原来是劫持了 XMLHTTPRequest 来支持这么个玩意的加载。





得到 i = ["abemafresh:", "", "abemafresh", "206437t2806498f02ad88f4aecd7aa2083a6374edef", "2928e09b0fa322020bbe5d854eb92984"]

然后 c 和 l 就分别是 "206437t2806498f02ad88f4aecd7aa2083a6374edef" 和 "2928e09b0fa322020bbe5d854eb92984"

u 是 c 和 l 连接起来。

然后调用了一个a(c, l, s)

a() 函数的内部,首先是调用了个 d.create() ,其实这个函数是 cryptojs.lib.WordArray() 把一组固定的数创建成一个 WordArray

随后使用 HmacSHA256 做个运算。随后使用 AES 进行解密,前面 SHA256 得到的结果就是密钥。也就是说那个abemafresh的url 前半部分是密钥后半部分是密文。


const cryptojs = require('crypto-js');
const abemafresh = [1413502068, 2104980084, 1144534056, 1967279194, 2051549272, 860632952, 1464353903, 1212380503];
const url = "abemafresh://abemafresh/206437t2806498f02ad88f4aecd7aa2083a6374edef/2928e09b0fa322020bbe5d854eb92984";

const part1 = url.split('/')[3];
const part2 = url.split('/')[4];

const hash = cryptojs.HmacSHA256(part1, cryptojs.lib.WordArray.create(abemafresh));
const decryptResult = cryptojs.AES.decrypt(cryptojs.lib.CipherParams.create({
    ciphertext: cryptojs.enc.Hex.parse(part2)
}), hash, {
        mode: cryptojs.mode.ECB,
        padding: cryptojs.pad.NoPadding

for (var t = new Uint8Array(16), r = 0; 16 > r; r++)
    t[r] = parseInt(decryptResult.substr(2 * r, 2), 16);

const result = [];

for (const i of t) {
    result.push(i.toString(16).length === 1 ? ('0' + i.toString(16)) : i.toString(16));

console.log('key = ', result.join(''));



“Something about FreshTV”的2个回复

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for this, it is very helpful!

    However, I am having difficulty incorporating the outputted key into the original HLS file. FFmpeg unfortunately continues to run into “Invalid data found when processing input” errors.

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!


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